07 November 2012

he's gone.

he's totally breaking my heart.
he's gone forever, I've missing him now</3.
I miss his sweet morning text, his sweet night goodbye. 
I miss how when he holding me tight and whispering 'I love u' on ma ears.
however he still the best, and no one can change it. 
I wish he know what I feel right now, I wish. 
god, I wish he find his happy ending, I wish there's somebody else could make him happier.
I know it's hurt to see him with another girl but I know it's the best for him, there's one thing could make me happy. To seeing his happy smile again,

05 October 2012

end of everything.

it's over now.
our beautiful 20 has been ended.
thanks for 13 months and 3 days.
thanks for everything
thanks for every best days
thanks for every all the things that u said to me
thanks for every time that we blend for
thanks for every single tears and every single laugh you give for me
thanks for making my day beautiful
thanks for the memories
thanks for loving me
thanks for missing me
thanks for caring me
and thanks for hurting me.
you still the best aditya bagus prasetyo.

11 September 2012

perahu kertas

afternoon guys&gals
hari ini ga sekolah karna bengek huhuhu gaenak banget capek sedikit nge-drop kayak gini:'-)
mumpung lagi ga ada kerjaan mau recommend sedikit nih. 
bagi kalian pecinta film kalian wajib harus kudu mesti nonton 'Perahu Kertas'
kalau kalian juga suka novel, pasti kalian tau kalau film ini di angkat dari salah satu novel 'Perahu Kertas - Dewi Lestari' kenapa gue recommend film ini? well, I  it!
bagi kalian yang belum nonton gue kasih liat trailer film ini ya

semoga abis kalian nonton kalian langsung pergi ke bioskop terus nonton real movie-nya yaa, ga akan nyesel kok film ini kocak,romantis dan rada sedih juga tapi two thumbs up deh!
dan soundtrack film ini juga seru seru loh, tapi dari semua soundtracknya ada yang satu yang paling gue suka. 

The Triangle - How Could You

lagu ini jadi top chart di playlist gue loh;3

tapi masih banyak juga soundtrack lainnya kayak:

Maudy Ayunda - Perahu Kertas

okay, itu aja post tentang film ini.
enjoy the movie&songs guys!

love ya,

07 September 2012

titik dua tanda kutip tutup kurung.

Hello guys&gals!
it's friday night&&its sucks.
why? I miss him.
but he doesn't miss me at all:'-)
how hurt it could be.
biasanya hari jumat malam lagi jalan jalan nih tapi ya sekarang dia sudah banyak kegiatan.
minggu ini aja udah banyak rencana yang di undur undur terus gara gara dia sibuk.
maklumin? maklumin banget kok:'-)
tapi kangennya ga pernah maklumin, dan udah tau ke depannya pasti bakalan terus kayak gini
jadi harus siap siap deh nahan kangen hahai.

udah deh selesai curhatnya, bye bloggy:-*

23 August 2012

late post!

hello guys&gals!
being busy for holiday......em I mean being busy for doing something 'fun' for this 2 weeks.
doing holiday I went to:


so damn fabulous. I need holiday!:'-)
btw, HAPPY IED MUBARAK!\(´▽`)/
'Minal aidzin wal'faidzin mohon maaf lahir dan batin'
maafin dinda kalau banyak salah yaaaaaaa cemaannn

20, August 2012. 

happy 1st year anniversary, my bodoh

thanks for everything you have done for me, I'm so glad we still together!
no matter what I will be there for you dit, you are the best!
thank you for our sweet candle light dinner:p 
thank you for the beach, and of course for the beautiful white roses.
I love u forever, aditya bagus prasetyo.

danke readers

08 August 2012


I vow you for loving you with all of my heart, holding you with tenderness, helping you to past your worst pain of life, to make you feel so damn special, for sharing beautiful memories, for sharing happiness, stands by you no matter what, how hard it could be, sick or healthy, rich or poor, happy or sad, amazing or worst, smile or pain I'll be there for you. Even there's so many problems try to separate us apart, I know that we will still here. 
thank you for every single love u give to me, I try to be the best.

with lot of love,

Adinda G Wiramentaya

03 August 2012


bonne nuit les amis!
cepet yaa, udah masuk bulan ke delapan di 2012 aja :-|

oiya! happy fasting guys! 
sudah memasuki bulan puasa juga, cemungudh ya semuanya harus pol puasanya!(•̀o•́)
semoga amal ibadah kalian di terima sama Allah swt dan di lipat gandakan amiinnn :-)
august wish? apaya hmm, mungkin............

-sukses di kelas 11
-puasa di terima dan sah semua muanya.
-bisa kumpul lagi sama keluarga.
-semua masalah ilang.
-bisa liburan.
-bisa sama adit terus.

mungkin cuman itu yaaa wish gue untuk bulan ini, semoga ga ada apapun yang nyebelin deh untuk bulan ini.
btw, udah hampir seminggu abang ga ada di rumah. rada sedih juga sih sebenernya abis gimana yaa udah deket banget sama abang dari kecil udah gabisa lepas:')

he go and wrote his new chapter of life now.
success for your college now bro.
I always here praying for u, take care
sukses terus di unpar! 


20 July 2012


20, July 2012. 

Happy 11th Anniversary 
Aditya Bagus Prasetyo

well, I hope we can be together forever dear. 
he's the one, the better one.
I know he's the best, all of this time I'm looking for the best guy and now I've find my true one.
he is u.........yes u the one with idiot face, beautiful brown eyes, cute lips, and that lovely laugh. 
thanks for making my day being so wonderful, somehow u make me cry with ur attitude. 
sometimes u gettin' selfish,rude and so damn careless. but that's okay cause I know deep in ur heart u r a care and loveable person. and thank you for all ur time and that memories. I always feel calm when u hug me tight and kiss me softly. no matter what u do, how many teardrops from ma eyes, how many times u broke ma heart, u still da' one 

and I always wishin' that u r my endless luv'.

Bon 11th Anniversary dear:-)


your future wife

10 July 2012


Hello plagues!▲
to-day I'm gonna share something bout ma new design:-D
belum terlalu berbakat banget jadi mungkin masih jelek hihihi-_-v
mau lihaattt? boleh:-)

semoga kalian suka deh walaupun ini biasa aja hehe:-D


06 July 2012

my foot friends.

Hello buddies, hows ur day? amazing? sucks? well mine is sucks 3-| 
actually I always love fashion, for me fashion such an amazing thing!
everybody had their own fav shoes rite?
so this is ma fav shoes........

The 5th place is Nike 6.0
its comfortable to wear and its very casual and cool too!B-) 
but.....karna bentuknya yang high dan sport jadi gaterlalu bisa dipake di situasi manapun. emang sih modelnya lebih stylish tapi ya banyak banget yang ga cocok dipake bareng sepatu ini.
mine is.....

The 4th Place is Macbeth Vegan.
this shoes model r soooooo cool, stylish and comfortable too. 
but, solnya kadang terlalu tipis dan karna bahannya canvas juga jadi gampar kotor dan gaenak dipake lagi kalau udah kena basah:-(
mine is.....

The 3th Place is Toms Shoes. 
its comfortable to wear it in every situation and this shoe model is cute enough too. but, gue gaterlalu suka dengan bahan canvas-nya yang gampang kotor dan susah di cucinya dan kalau kena air bentuknya jadi mengkerut gitu jadi gaenak dipake lagi:-( 
but I still luvvvv it! 
mine its.....

The RunnerUp Place is Vans Era 
I love it, because this shoes r really mach with ma style. casual, cool but still sexy enough:b
modelnya juga keren dan bisa dipake kemana aja haha cocok banget deh buat style gue:-D
mine is.......

The First Place goes to Converse All Stars!
this is the most cozy shoes evaaaaaa!!!!!. cocok banget buat style gue, dipake bareng baju apapun tetep cocok dan keren bisa buat sekolah dan buat jalan jalan walaupun ini adalah sepatu sejuta umat tapi tetep aja dan yang paling gue suka adalah.....semakin buluk justru semakin bagus dan nyaman dipake. Gapercaya? converse gue udah banyak bgt yang sobek sana sini dan warnanya pudar dan justru ditawar mahal sama beberapa orang:-D
mine is.....



05 July 2012

another month

Hello guys, long time no pots:-(
me miss you guys btw<3<3<3
hell yeah.....

Yeah July already, damn! time goes so fast. 
my JulyWish? well.....

-Bulan Ramadhan bisa dilakukan full tanpa halangan apapun!
-Sukses di kelas 11
-Temen sekelas asik asik ga garing 
-Ga ada masalah masalah yang super duper berat lagi.

udah cuman itu, semoga terkabul amin YaAllah:-)

Happy Holiday!     
well, even ma holiday sucks I still can let ma stress go away. 
and the most amazing thing I've got in this holiday is......
my grandma and my aunt was go back to ma hometown for a week, so I stay at home alone.
with ma brother actually, but it still FUN!   
hope ur holiday amazing guys:-)
see u soon 


15 May 2012

gonna lose some weight

goodnight buddies! 
how is ur day? fantastic? allhamdullilah then.......
ma day? well it's amazing but kinda bad too :-(
me miss my dear beloved one......kebo sih tidur cepet terus (ʃ‾̩̩̩‾̩̩̩~‾̩̩̩‾̩̩̩ƪ)
get well soon btw

to-day is 15 May 2012. 


semoga langgeng dan romantis dan ga berantem berantem lagi aminnnnn.

sebenernya posting ini bukan tentang adit dan bukan tentang dua orang pasangan sejoli yang baru sebulan menjalin asmara ini. tapi tentang lemak lemak yang bersarang di tubuh gue..............<////3.

&&for next 4 weeks I've plan to loose some weight:-) 10 might be enough for sure.
gonna eatless, jogging, do some sports. WISMILAK!(•̀o•́)

aaaaaaa and I've horrible news too :-(
couples of weeks ago, I went to doctor and something happen to ma brain and it could be worst :-(
so wish me for better condition and become stronger to face it:')

goodbye see u soon!

14 May 2012

dreamy place to visit

Hello fellas!
hope u guys have a great night btw.
I change ma blog templates and the header, and I delete some of the pictures cause its kinda messy. 
sooooooooooo wdyt but ma new bloggg? bagus kannnnn? bagus? hah aditya bagus? pacar gue;;) 

I'm 15-teen and I've a dream to visit this aww-mazinkkk places.
I wish I could go to there, but I don't have much $$$$$$$$$$ T_T. 
jadi share ajayaa.....:-D 

the first one is......

Raja Ampat - Papua Indonesia. 
whatt'a beautiful place
blue sea, white sands, cool and amazing island.
perfect for my honeymoon.......ups :p 

Las Vegas - United State 
terkenal sebagai 'surganya' dunia malam. katanya sih katanya.....gue belum pernah kesana soalnya T_T
katanya suasana las vegas pas malem itu kewl bangeedhhhhh awawaw pengen bgt kesana pokoknya

Casa di Giulietta - Rome Italy 
rumahnya juliet, konon kalau kita ngelempar koin disumur yang ada dirumah ini bakalan langgeng sama suaminyaaaaa :-D 

Makkah - Saudi Arabia 
the home of Allah SWT my beloved god! 
someday I'll visit Makkah with my family, a specialy ma mom({})

New York City - United State 
beh pemadangan malem pemandangan siang semuanya memukau deh, pusatnya belanja, pusatnya brand brand ternama nangkring, jalanan rame penuh sama billboard yang keren keren aaaaaa semoga bisa kesana suatu saat nanti!

London - United Kingdom
my dream place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gamau tau pokoknyaaa harus kesini!!!! gue udah nabung dari sekarang buat nanti bisa kesana
gila gue gatau kenapa api cinta banget sama london!
classy,edgy,vintage wow Love it to the fullest!!!!!!!!

That's it for today, wish it all comes true:') goodbye  

10 May 2012

meaning full

another random story

Hello folks!
How r u? fine? well good for you :-)
long time no posttttttt........sowwyyyy I've been so much busy for school and many kind of activities. 
WTF........MAY ALREADY?!?!?!?!?!
time goes so fast guys, and hell yeah let's say........

MayWish? nothing but the best of course. 

&&Do you know what?
SOOOO MANY...............people ask me "siapa pacar lo sekarang?"
dan..................jawabannya adalah.....


BEN BRUCE ˘)ε˘`) OMFG..........

pacar gue? cuman satu untuk selamanya......yang terbaik dan terindah, sailaaahhh wkwkwk

pada gapercayaa kannn gue masih jadian sama adit? muahahahahaha................
akhirnya bisa ngerasain pacaran lama...........
dan dan dan..................BARU PERTAMA KALI SESAYANG INI SAMA ORANG. oke ini lebay (-̩̩-̩̩͡_-̩̩-̩̩͡) 
tapi ini beneran gabercanda......sekali lagi ini beneran......ini BENERAN.....LO TAU BENERAN KAN??????????????????????????????. Gajelas. Abaikan.

Yaudahdeh daripada makin ngaco........

See you next time guys, bunch of loveeeeeeeeeeee<3<3<3