20 July 2012


20, July 2012. 

Happy 11th Anniversary 
Aditya Bagus Prasetyo

well, I hope we can be together forever dear. 
he's the one, the better one.
I know he's the best, all of this time I'm looking for the best guy and now I've find my true one.
he is u.........yes u the one with idiot face, beautiful brown eyes, cute lips, and that lovely laugh. 
thanks for making my day being so wonderful, somehow u make me cry with ur attitude. 
sometimes u gettin' selfish,rude and so damn careless. but that's okay cause I know deep in ur heart u r a care and loveable person. and thank you for all ur time and that memories. I always feel calm when u hug me tight and kiss me softly. no matter what u do, how many teardrops from ma eyes, how many times u broke ma heart, u still da' one 

and I always wishin' that u r my endless luv'.

Bon 11th Anniversary dear:-)


your future wife

10 July 2012


Hello plagues!▲
to-day I'm gonna share something bout ma new design:-D
belum terlalu berbakat banget jadi mungkin masih jelek hihihi-_-v
mau lihaattt? boleh:-)

semoga kalian suka deh walaupun ini biasa aja hehe:-D


06 July 2012

my foot friends.

Hello buddies, hows ur day? amazing? sucks? well mine is sucks 3-| 
actually I always love fashion, for me fashion such an amazing thing!
everybody had their own fav shoes rite?
so this is ma fav shoes........

The 5th place is Nike 6.0
its comfortable to wear and its very casual and cool too!B-) 
but.....karna bentuknya yang high dan sport jadi gaterlalu bisa dipake di situasi manapun. emang sih modelnya lebih stylish tapi ya banyak banget yang ga cocok dipake bareng sepatu ini.
mine is.....

The 4th Place is Macbeth Vegan.
this shoes model r soooooo cool, stylish and comfortable too. 
but, solnya kadang terlalu tipis dan karna bahannya canvas juga jadi gampar kotor dan gaenak dipake lagi kalau udah kena basah:-(
mine is.....

The 3th Place is Toms Shoes. 
its comfortable to wear it in every situation and this shoe model is cute enough too. but, gue gaterlalu suka dengan bahan canvas-nya yang gampang kotor dan susah di cucinya dan kalau kena air bentuknya jadi mengkerut gitu jadi gaenak dipake lagi:-( 
but I still luvvvv it! 
mine its.....

The RunnerUp Place is Vans Era 
I love it, because this shoes r really mach with ma style. casual, cool but still sexy enough:b
modelnya juga keren dan bisa dipake kemana aja haha cocok banget deh buat style gue:-D
mine is.......

The First Place goes to Converse All Stars!
this is the most cozy shoes evaaaaaa!!!!!. cocok banget buat style gue, dipake bareng baju apapun tetep cocok dan keren bisa buat sekolah dan buat jalan jalan walaupun ini adalah sepatu sejuta umat tapi tetep aja dan yang paling gue suka adalah.....semakin buluk justru semakin bagus dan nyaman dipake. Gapercaya? converse gue udah banyak bgt yang sobek sana sini dan warnanya pudar dan justru ditawar mahal sama beberapa orang:-D
mine is.....



05 July 2012

another month

Hello guys, long time no pots:-(
me miss you guys btw<3<3<3
hell yeah.....

Yeah July already, damn! time goes so fast. 
my JulyWish? well.....

-Bulan Ramadhan bisa dilakukan full tanpa halangan apapun!
-Sukses di kelas 11
-Temen sekelas asik asik ga garing 
-Ga ada masalah masalah yang super duper berat lagi.

udah cuman itu, semoga terkabul amin YaAllah:-)

Happy Holiday!     
well, even ma holiday sucks I still can let ma stress go away. 
and the most amazing thing I've got in this holiday is......
my grandma and my aunt was go back to ma hometown for a week, so I stay at home alone.
with ma brother actually, but it still FUN!   
hope ur holiday amazing guys:-)
see u soon 
