20 July 2012


20, July 2012. 

Happy 11th Anniversary 
Aditya Bagus Prasetyo

well, I hope we can be together forever dear. 
he's the one, the better one.
I know he's the best, all of this time I'm looking for the best guy and now I've find my true one.
he is u.........yes u the one with idiot face, beautiful brown eyes, cute lips, and that lovely laugh. 
thanks for making my day being so wonderful, somehow u make me cry with ur attitude. 
sometimes u gettin' selfish,rude and so damn careless. but that's okay cause I know deep in ur heart u r a care and loveable person. and thank you for all ur time and that memories. I always feel calm when u hug me tight and kiss me softly. no matter what u do, how many teardrops from ma eyes, how many times u broke ma heart, u still da' one 

and I always wishin' that u r my endless luv'.

Bon 11th Anniversary dear:-)


your future wife

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